Monday, October 24, 2005

2nd week!


So I got a place to stay now, im at the school dormitory, getting a good chance to use my novice czech with my flatmate, he doesnt really speak much english.

So this is my place >

(click everything to make em bigger)

This weekend has been interesting, since there was an international digital artist workshop, not far from my school. I couldnt afford paying for it, too bad.

but! as luck would have it, I met a guy from paris, on the street, and he was one of the teachers of said workshop and invited me to join in for a day or two, so I went to check things out and met some interesting people there.

Heres a couple of shots

This first shot is about some kind of character design assignment, one of the teachers giving critique.

Heres a demo of digital painting, about light and shadows, environment design.

I write these updates from the animation department of my school, which looks like this. There are some Finnish, Japanese, Bulgarian and Czech students, teacher commenting hand-drawn walk cycles.

There is also an exhibition in Praha, about the figure drawing of several European schools, put together and it has been going around different cities over the summer. I didnt see it yet, but I guess there is one of my works in there. At least they have it in the book they published. Lots of nice drawings in this catalogue/book.

Alright. Thats all the more and less related babble, here are the drawings for this week. Only five this time since one class was hopelessly full.

The technique is combined ink, water, acrylic paint and dry pastels. They all mix nicely with water so you can just paint with everything together, making the pastel work like paint when you want it to.

The size is as last time, about 150 x 100 cm, or 5 feet by 3 feet.

I will see if next bunch will be charcoal. Using paint to block in the basic sketch is just so much faster, and we have only 3 hours so its tempting to go with water and paint, but the vast majority in the class draw black and white, dry charcoal. I need to practise it a lot, so we will see.

I need to limit my colors, anyway! In chronological order >

(horrible light in that class)

Thats it! I will try to remember to get some photos of the whole class so you get an idea of the drawings and premises.

See you


Anonymous Anonymous said...

gecko, ive been a huge fan of work for many years, these figure paintings/drawings are amazing. it really has great texture and stlye to it! amazing work man, keep it up as always.

24/10/05 23:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jep, hyvältä näyttää, ei voi muuta sanoa...
Noita töitä katsellessa alkaa kaduttaa, että olen omissa opinnoissani täällä Chilessä keskittynyt ehkä liiaksi toisarvoisten taitojen kasvattamiseen perinteisen taiteellisen osaamisen kustannuksella. (Mutta toisaalta viininmaistelun jalo taito voitaneen kai myös laskea perinteisen taiteen piiriin.)

25/10/05 03:03  
Blogger Germán said...

This ones are goood. second and fourth are my favourites. You got to attend the workshop. lucky bastard

25/10/05 05:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No toi sun kämppäs nyt ainaki on todella pelipaikalla! Ei o huuono. Pari kuukautta enää nii pääsee maistelee hyvää bissee :)

27/10/05 13:01  
Blogger Teemu Erämaa said...

Hey, who's that handsome guy standing in the back in the pic from the animation studio?


7/11/05 02:16  

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